Welcome to Make Your Mark

Make Your Mark
Hello friends! My name is Brittany and this is my blog, Make Your Mark. I can think of many reasons why you’re here or the different ways of how you got here, and I am so glad you’re reading this or at least skimming through it. I should probably start off by properly introducing myself.
I am a wife and a mother to a very special 2-year-old named Mark. I am 27 years old and live in a (fast growing) “small” town in Florida. I graduated from the University of North Florida with my degree in Public Health and Health Education in 2016. Shortly after graduating, I began working at a Homeless Shelter and Medical Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida.
In 2018, I had a very difficult pregnancy which led to my son, Mark, coming into this world at 27 weeks and 4 days. He weighed 1 Pound 7 Ounces and was just over 12 inches long. This event caused my time at the clinic to end abruptly.
I am currently a stay-at-home mom. In my “down-time” (is there ever such a thing?), I enjoy reading, spending time out on the boat with family, baking sweet treats, and writing. I am an avid writer. I tend to journal a lot. I feel it helps with my mental health by giving me the ability to organize my thoughts, and put my to-dos, emotions, goals, and worries down on paper. I’ve found it to be rather relaxing. My grandmother would always tell me that I was a beautiful writer. My writing was something she looked forward to reading. She thought maybe one day, I’d make a career out of it.

You will find that most of this blog is going to be filled with my journey and adventures with Mark. This is because I am a stay-at-home mom now and Mark requires some additional attention and care. As Mark grew in my stomach, we were told many times that Mark would likely never walk, talk, or do much of anything for himself. The doctors continued to prepare us for this… even into the NICU. After 115 days in the NICU, Mark finally came home.
In this blog you will read about difficult topics and may have a difference of opinion with some of the decisions I’ve had to make. I will never judge someone for the decisions they’ve had to make and I can only ask for the same kindness in return. As you read my blog, I hope you find a sense of belonging and relatability. I pray this brings you joy. I want you to you find hope within each entry. I hope you can get an understanding of the raw emotion I felt as I experienced every moment.
Most of all, I want you to know that if you are reading this and your child has a super power, or you’re questioning if you’re a good parent, or if you’re questioning your own strength- you are not alone. You’ll see how much I stumble, struggle, and fail. It’s okay. We are human. You are not in this alone.