Blog Update 1: Memorial Day, Thank you, Big News, and Mark’s Mission!
Hi Friends!

I would like to start today’s blog post by mentioning that today is Memorial Day in our country. Today is a day to remember and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we have today. Today is a day to hug your loved ones and express gratitude to those who never came home from their service. Freedom is never truly free.
I would also like to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I understand some topics may not be relative to your daily life, or they may not be the most interesting to you. Nonetheless, you make it a point to come to this page and step into our world for a little bit. I appreciate that more than you may ever realize.

So much has happened in my personal life since starting this blog. There are a lot of moving parts and pieces and I promise to share those details once it starts to become one well-oiled machine. Trust me when I say, I cannot WAIT to share these updates with all of you! It involves following passions of mine. Please know that none of this would be possible without you.
Additionally, I wanted to let you know that here shortly, I will be adding a tab for Mark’s Mission and there will be an “About” section for that. For those who follow me on social media, you may be aware of what this campaign is. It is a tradition that I started in 2018 to collect preemie onesies and books for the local NICUs in my area. With your generosity, Mark’s Mission has proudly donated over 300 onesies and 80 books to the local NICUs to date. I plan to have the tab up and running soon so that we can open up donations to anyone who may stumble upon this page. Of course, I hope this year will have an even bigger turnout than previous years. You have no idea how appreciative the families and nurses are when they receive these donations. It is a profound bonding experience for the families. More on that to come.

Finally, I mentioned that a lot has happened in my personal life and that it is something that involves following a few passions of mine. As promised, I told you I would let you know if there were any changes to the release schedule to the blog. Due to the schedule I have laid out for myself and the workload associated with it, I have decided to release an article once a week until further notice. I want to be sure to include you in our journey as much as possible. More importantly, I want to ensure that the content I am writing is educational, meaningful, and insightful. You can plan on articles being released every Monday each week, until further notice.
I am so grateful for each person who has ever stopped by this page to read an article or have shared their own story with me. It has been a learning experience for me and it has introduced me to an abundance of people with unique backgrounds and values different from my own. It has been eye-opening and heart-filling. I have received many emails, calls, and texts with words of encouragement and support. People have applauded me for my courage and bravery in doing this- becoming vulnerable. This world of opening up and sharing is very new to me and I appreciate everyone who has been so warm and welcoming as they help guide me through this great journey.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.
With love,

Your such a wonderful person and mommy. Love your blogs..wish you all the success and happiness this world has to offer you..thank you for sharing your lil mark with us..
I absolutely love following your blog. You make this so interesting and insightful. I look forward to what you have to share each time. Again your son is simply adorable and I love how his smile lights up his whole face. Have a blessed day